Sunday 16 September 2007

The Invisible Girl

Another psychic story from my life.This story takes place in 1986 I was 23 and had 3 children and was married for the second time.We lived in a terrace house in Salford Manchester but the house dated back to the early 1900s it was a nice house but did not give you that warm homely feeling that a home should,we could never put our finger on what was wrong with the house but we never felt comfortable there.My husband Gary was working away for 3 days and my sister Marie said she would come down and keep me company for the night.I had put my two eldest children in bed and Sara who was only about 6 months old was waiting for her last bottle before bed.Marie arrived at about eight oclock and we chatted away for an hour,Sara was ready for bed and I was about to take her upstairs,now as I have previously mentioned when my sister and I were together we seemed to have a lot of psychic phenomenom happen around us.The first thing we heard was the front door open and shut at first I thought it may be Gary coming home early from his trip so I shouted is that you Gary (no answer came back ) then we heard a running in the hallway and I said that carnt be gary so my sister and I jumped up and ran into the hallway we looked up and down but could not see anything,we checked the kitchen and second lounge and I picked up sara and we both started to go upstairs then we heard it very loud footsteps were heard running up the stairs in front of us we both froze for a minute wondering what was in front of us an entity we could not see but was moving very fast.At the top of the stairs was my eldest daughters room and the footsteps ran in that direction.Suddenly we heard a really loud scream coming from my daughters bedroom and we both ran up the stairs as we entered the room my eldest daughter was sat up in bed screaming,I asked what was wrong and she said a young girl wearing old fashioned clothes with a pinny over them ran into her room looked at her in bed then jumped over the bed and dissapeared into the wall,my daughter who was four at the time was terriffied and had to sleep in my bed .This was just one of the strange episodes that happened in the house and one I will not forget.

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