Wednesday 12 September 2007

The Illness

Time for another psychic story,when I was twelve I started to feel quite sick and I could not keep myself awake regardless of how much sleep I had during the night.Other symptoms included a sore throat,absoluate exhaustion and swollen glands,my mother took me to the doctors and after a number of antibiotics that didnt work he took a blood sample.During the next few weeks I got worse and was prescribed tetracycline,a number of weeks after this I was having hallucinations,pains in my chest and I collapsed and was rushed to hospital.I was taken off the tetracycline and they found that my blood was abnormal,I had more white corpasals than red and I was sent to manchester royal infirmary for evaluation.My mother took me there twice a week but they did not understand what was wrong with me,some blood samples came back normal and some where abnormal and for 6 to 12 months I baffled the medical proffession,I was suspected of having a rare tropical disease,lukeamia and many more all the time I was ill my guides kept telling me you will be ok but it will take time so I was quite shocked when I heard my mother crying and discussing what they would do if I had lukeamia as all other avenues had been exhausted but I knew I would be ok as I was told I had many things to achieve and many people to help in this life.Sometime later in the week I bucked up the courage to tell my mother that I would be ok and not to worry,I never questioned the fact that I would be ok as I had been told by my guardians.Eventually I was told that I had glandular fever and my blood remained strange for a full 3 years and I had to attend hospital on a regular basis and I missed a substantial amount of schooling due to me falling asleep in school and being on the verge of collapse for a long time.This was not the only time I was reassured by my guardians as I have survived a number of serious conditions with their help and my outlook has always been positive including the recent birth of my grandson who was still born,the hospital saw a dead baby but I knew he would come back and he did but thats another story. One last thing good luck to Sara in the byker babe competition on Friday 14th September in London.

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