Thursday 19 July 2007

The First Psychic Awareness

Throughout this blog my wife will be giving you an insight into the life of a medium and her perception of life so I will let her take it from here.Hello again now when I was a baby approximately a few months old I realised that I had been listening to a man and a woman all the time so I never felt alone ,as I grew older I realised that no one else could see or hear them except me.Most nights as a child I would listen to them speaking to each other,the male was always asking how much I knew and remembered and if it would make any difference to the way I grew up in this life,the lady was always reasurring and said she knows many things but I was only allowed to remember them at certain stages of my life.I remember always feeling protected and safe and this made me a very quiet child who did not really speak till I was about two years old but I looked at the things that happened in my life with an adults perspective.My mother said I never cried as a baby or a child until I was five years old and I slept through the night from birth I didnt cry for food,cuddles or nappy changing which my mother and father found a little strange as my older sister never stopped crying for things and certainly did not sleep at night.Psychic ability runs in my family on both sides and to some extent we all have gifts even my paternal grandmother use to read tea leaves,my father saw his own death and could receive peoples thoughts without knowing and he was so good at it that me,my sister and mother used to play a game with him where we would think of the same song and sing it in our heads and stop at a certain word and my father always started singing the same song out loud from the word we had stopped at and we would all laugh but he didnt know what we were laughing at for many years.

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